REST API: Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface

What is REST API?

Let's think of real-life situations then an apt example would be, a library. The library has a bookshelf (database), a librarian(the rest API), and the members(client). this is how the library works, when the client makes a request, the rest API identifies it and then figures out what data needs to be gathered and send it to the client.

Types of request — GET — to get a data

- PUT/PATCH — to make changes in an exiting data

- POST — to update a data

- DELETE — to delete a data

Def: — Representational State Transfer(REST) refers to a group of software architecture design constraints that bring about efficient, reliable, and scalable systems.

So REST isn’t a specific technology but rather is a design methodology that produces consistent outputs and predictable behavior by receiving a set of standard methods called VERBS and returning standardized data typically JSON or XML called resource.

